
Born on December 29, 1986 in Jersey City, NJ
Arrived at Mission: Wolf on January 15, 1987
Passed away on November 1, 1998

Sex: Female
Lived with Navarre

Did you know? It takes $3,000 a year just to feed and care for one of our wolves. By giving $5 or more a month, you can take a wolf to dinner by becoming a Wolf Caretaker.

Crimzon’s Story

Crimzon and Navarre were brother and sister born in Jersey City, NJ in 1986. They were the products of a 20-year breeding project to create the ultimate hybrid—one that looks like a wolf and acts like a dog. In contrast to her brother, Crimzon was very wolf-like: shy, slinky, and with the narrow chest and shoulders of a wolf.

Navarre and Crimzon spent many years living at Mission: Wolf once they lost their home in New Jersey. They taught volunteers and visitors alike that there is no predicting what hybrid pups will end up looking and acting like. As the brother and sister aged, Crimzon became very ill. It wasn’t until she lapsed into a coma that she was diagnosed with diabetes. Dr. Hancock, Mission: Wolf’s friend and veterinarian, rushed 150 miles to the refuge to give Crimzon the insulin she so desperately needed. Sadly, despite our best efforts, Crimzon eventually succumbed to her diabetes.

Mission: Wolf has since set up a specific fund designed to provide care for veterinary services called the Crimzon fund, in memory of Dr. Hancock’s dedication. Donations of money and medical supplies to the Crimzon fund will be used for the future care of all wolves living at Mission: Wolf.