Expired Livestock


Many livestock owners consider it the highest honor for their deceased animals to be fed to the wolves, continuing in the circle of life rather than being disposed of in a landfill. 

At Mission: Wolf, we have developed a good relationship with local farmers and ranchers who donate their sick and deceased farm animals.

We try to feed our wolves as natural a diet as we can. In the wild, wolves eat very lean meat from large prey species including elk, caribou, and deer. Wild game is expensive and rare, so our primary food for the wolves is livestock meat.

If you have an animal that has died or needs to be put down, consider donating them to Mission: Wolf. For deceased animals, we require that they have died a natural death or been humanely put down by gun. We cannot accept animals that have been chemically euthanized, or sedated with any drugs — euthanasia and drugs create poisonous meat that we cannot feed to our wolves.

For live animals, we require that they have reached the end of their life and need to be put down. Upon receiving a live animal, we will put it down humanely using a gun.

We Accept:

  • Deceased farm animals

  • Animals that a vet recommends be put down

  • Road kill

  • Hunting scraps

  • Packaged meat (even freezer-burned)

We Cannot Accept:

  • Pigs or pork products

  • Chemically euthanized animals

  • Animals that have taken medication recently

  • Live, healthy animals that could still have quality of life

  • Seasoned meat

  • Predator meat

  • Cooked meat or bones

While we prefer large livestock animals for the volume of lean meat they provide, we also accept other farm animals, hunting scraps, expired meat, and roadkill. We feed the wolves whatever kind of meat is available, including llama, goat, yak, cow, elk, deer, and even poultry. Unfortunately, we cannot accept donations of any pork products, as it is unhealthy for wolves.

If you are nearby, we can send a truck to pick up your animal. If you live more than 90 minutes away from Mission: Wolf, or are donating a live animal, we request that you bring your animal here yourself. Please contact us to schedule a pick-up or drop-off.

Donations to Mission: Wolf are tax-deductible. We value donations of animals at one dollar per pound.