
Born on April 9, 1987 at Mission: Wolf
Passed away on August 7, 2001

Sex: Female
Lived with Hota, Cyndar

Did you know? It takes $3,000 a year just to feed and care for one of our wolves. By giving $5 or more a month, you can take a wolf to dinner by becoming a Wolf Caretaker

Haida’s Story

Haida and Hopi were two of Mission: Wolf’s most beloved wolf-dog crosses. They spent years living happily together, sharing their wisdom and kind natures with staff and visitors alike.

It all began on an early spring morning in 1987 when Cyndar gave birth to Hota’s pups in one of the refuge’s enclosures. Haida was the only one of four pups to survive due to a mastitis infection which caused her mother’s milk to dry up. The early years of her life were spent pulling the Mission: Wolf sled and playing with her pack in the staff kitchen.  As Haida matured, she grew into a very friendly and outgoing canine, but was by no means tame or domestic. Staff fondly remember the days when she lived in the vet building and always found trouble to get into. Despite her age and arthritis, Haida would climb up on the counters to pull open the cabinets, tear open food bins, and shred blankets of all sizes. This sweet natured wolf-dog was devoted to her companion, Hopi.

Haida was particular about the people she let into her life. However, once she decided to give her heart, you received all of it. Visitors and staff alike would watch her prance up to the fence whenever food was around with a smile on her face. In August of 2001, Haida passed away due to natural causes. Haida’s soulful eyes, wild spirit, and quiet howl will always be remembered.