
Born on March 31, 1986 at Bailey, CO
Arrived at Mission: Wolf on April 11, 1986
Passed away on August 26, 2001

Sex: Female
Lived with Ballazar

Did you know? It takes $3,000 a year just to feed and care for one of our wolves. Take a wolf to dinner by becoming a Wolf Caretaker today.

Mera’s Story

Mera was born a beautiful gray wolf in the back yard of a private home in Denver. Her parents were both born in a road-side zoo in a circus cage and sold multiple times to multiple people. They were very stressed out and destructive. While living they produced two litters of pups. Most were sold, but little Mera came to live at Mission: Wolf. She showed the same distrust and fear that her parents displayed. After seven years at the refuge, Mera remained high strung and needed a large private enclosure. During that time she had several companions, none of whom fit exactly right. Then in 1994, she met the handsome, large, gray male “movie star” wolf, Ballazar and fell in love.

Ballazar and Mera lived in enclosures next to each other. They were often found nose to nose at the fence happily wagging their tails. They were the flirts of the refuge. Ballazar was so distracted by Mera that he forgot to chew on his injured leg and it finally started to heal. When the day finally came to open the gate and be together, they bounded up the hill together. The rest of their lives they were seen by each other’s side. Shy little Mera started coming out of her shell and would occasionally walk to the fence and sniff a visitor or greet a staff member.

Sadly, in March of 2001, Ballazar passed away at the age of seventeen. Mera lived only five months longer. After the loss of her beloved mate, at the age of fifteen, she slowly went down hill and passed away on the evening of August 26, 2001. Mera and Ballazar formed one of the strongest bonds ever witnessed at Mission: Wolf.