Female Wolf-Dog
Born on May 1, 2008 at Rocky Mountain Wildlife Foundation
Arrived at Mission: Wolf on March 12, 2020
Passed away on October 30, 2022
Lived with Illiamna
Merlin’s Story
Merlin is a beautiful and elusive wolf-dog who joined the Mission: Wolf family on March 12th, 2020. She was born and raised at the Rocky Mountain Wildlife Foundation sanctuary and was never approachable by humans. She lived there for 11 peaceful years until the sanctuary sadly had to close. Mission: Wolf received a call and had the space to take her in.
It took several staff many visits to even get Merlin comfortable enough to come out of the enclosure where she had been hiding. Finally, staff was able to safely transport her, and she arrived late at night to take her first few tentative steps out into her new home.
Merlin moved into an enclosure at the top of the refuge, which has helped her to acclimate and emerge from her shell while keeping a close watch on the activities below. She was unsure about all her neighbors at first but has since adapted and now spends her days exploring her enclosure and gnawing on her prized bones. She has even allowed staff to be close by while she drinks water or rests in the sun.
Merlin had not been heard to make a sound before her arrival at Mission: Wolf, but she can now be regularly found joining in on the group howls. She had also not lived with another wolf since she was a puppy, but the Mission: Wolf staff saw her becoming interested in her neighbor, Arctic wolf Illiamna. After many months of letting the two become comfortable with each other, we tried putting them in the same enclosure. They took to each other beautifully and were are often seen running together or napping next to one another underneath their favorite tree. In late October of 2022 Merlin passed away quietly overnight. We’re so glad that Merlin was able to join the Mission: Wolf pack and find her voice and her partner.
Merlin with her partner Illiamna