
Born on April 11, 1995 at Mission: Wolf
Passed away on November 23, 2009

Sex: Male
Lived with Ned Ludd, Druid, Mountain Spirit

Did you know? It takes $3,000 a year just to feed and care for one of our wolves. By giving $5 or more a month, you can take a wolf to dinner by becoming a Wolf Caretaker

Mowgli’s Story

Mowgli was born jet black with a bright white chest patch. He was shy around people and only occasionally venture towards the fence to meet visitors. Despite his shyness, Mowgli was a strong willed wolf and left a lasting impression on everyone that met his intimidating, bright yellow gaze.

Mowgli grew up with his brother, Ned, and another male named Druid. They lived next to the veterinary building, also called the “Puppy Palace.” Also housed in the Puppy Palace was a six-year-old female, Raven (the first) had lost her position as alpha and needed a new home, so she was introduced to the boys. Raven soon became alpha of her new pack. The pups looked to her for food and attention. As Mowgli matured, he and Raven began to flirt and soon they were established mates. Raven and Mowgli enjoyed many years of ruling the roost together.

Sadly, Raven passed away in 2000, leaving her mate alone to keep Ned and Druid in line. By the time February of 2003 rolled around, both Ned and Druid decided they had enough of being second and third ranking. The two boys revolted and kicked Mowgli out of the pack. Luckily, he moved to the northernmost enclosure with a beautiful white wolf, Mountain Spirit. He enjoyed the companionship of his new mate for many years, and his overly excited attitude towards his feed bucket made him famous with the staff. Mowgli spent the rest of his days stalking his jealous brothers Ned and Druid through the fence from his new uphill throne.