
Female Wolf-Dog

Born on January 26, 2017 in North Dakota
Arrived at Mission: Wolf on March 25, 2017

Did you know? It takes $3,000 a year just to feed and care for one of the wolves. By giving $5 or more a month, you can take Nashira to dinner by becoming a Wolf Caretaker.

Nashira’s Story

Nashira is a wolf-dog cross born in captivity to a caring family in North Dakota. Nashira, meaning “Lucky Star” in Arabic, was transported to Mission: Wolf on March 25, 2017 to meet her new family. It is our goal to provide her with a peaceful life of purpose and meaningful enrichment. Nashira happily embraced all of the people and environments that we introduced her to. If our “Lucky Star” continues to enjoy exploring new surroundings and meeting new people, she may grow into an Ambassador role. Another one of our resident wolf-dogs, Minigan, was a foster parental figure of sorts to Nashira, and helped show her the ropes around the sanctuary. Similarly, the rambunctious malamute Zuko was capable of matching her boundless puppy energy. Nashira has no shortage of role-models and playmates at Mission: Wolf, of both the human and canine varieties.

In June of 2017, Nashira and her foster sister Saurya were introduced to the Ambassador pack and were warmly greeted by Magpie, Abraham, and Zeab. The five lived happily together as the pups gradually learned from their elders. Nashira has shown that she is the more mischievous of the two pups, and will often get a scolding from the older wolves if she acts out of turn. Although she is a bit clumsy, that doesn’t curtail her adventurous spirit. She happily roughhoused with her sister (despite usually being on the losing end) until Saurya was moved to another enclosure. In 2019 a new pup, Ydun, arrived and Nashira reluctantly began to help raising her alongside Zeab. Ydun was a rambunctious youngster and constantly kept Nashira on her toes. In the summer of 2021 Ydun challenged Nashira and was removed from the ambassador pack to be given her own enclosure. Nashira and Zeab continued to be the lead ambassador pair until in early 2023 Nashira challenged Zeab and was given her own enclosure as well.