
Born on July 1, 1989
Arrived at Mission: Wolf on January 1, 1991
Passed away on March 1, 2000

Sex: Female
Lived with Yaqui, Hota

Did you know? It takes $3,000 a year just to feed and care for one of our wolves. By giving $5 or more a month, you can take a wolf to dinner by becoming a Wolf Caretaker.

Raku’s Story

Raku was a wolf-dog cross who was a good friend to many of the staff at Mission: Wolf. She lost her home in the city because she was an escape artist and difficult to care for. Nonetheless, the staff always marveled that such a sweet and gentle animal was given up.

Raku earned her name from the sounds that she made: a series of high-pitched bark-howls. This was her special way of greeting visitors to her pen and demonstrating her excitement. She was filled with energy and incredibly playful and rambunctious around staff. Raku was wily and seemed to possess the same mischievousness that she seemed to expect from her human friends. Most people want a canine to be a pet, but Raku wouldn’t allow that for herself. She would take the disciplinary anger directed at her and make a game out of it.

Raku had a long and fruitful life at Mission: Wolf, living almost ten years here. Besides being a constant joy in the lives of the staff she was also a good educator and could ably demonstrate the plight of wolf-dog crosses everywhere.